Christmas Crowds

  • Thursday, December 9, 2010
  • by Linda Rempel

    I HATE CROWDS... am I the only one?

    I DO NOT go to Black Friday... I could never stand in line that long and I could for sure never ever try to get something from a bunch of screaming fighting women...
    Ask Debi about this for details... (she on the other hand will )

    I don't wait in lines at restaurants so Tom and I go out on Monday...or if it is a Friday we have to go by six and get done ... Have you seen the lines at Lazlos or the Char Grill after six thirty??? And now what? They are opening an Egg and I in Clocktower... My family is flipping out and I said to Deborah... DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG THE LINES WILL BE ON SUNDAY NOON????
